Interactive Table of Contents
The children especially liked the fact that it was about their city and that they could come up with their own ideas about what they would do in it.
- Participatory Approaches in Environmental Education in the Czech Republic Participativní přístupy v environmentální výchově v ČR
- Those Who Adapt Adapťáci
- The Residential District Is Alive Sídliště žije
- The International Ecoschool Programme Mezinárodní program Ekoškola
- School For Sustainable Living Škola pro udržitelný život
Over the past three decades, the majority of environmental educators, both in NGOs and schools, have come to recognise and accept the importance of participatory approaches in environmental education because of its effectiveness. However, this does not mean that it is applied often enough.
- The situation of participatory EE in Hungary A részvételi környezeti nevelés helyzete Magyarországon
- River Monitoring Programme - Green Heart Movement A Zöld Szív folyófigyelő hálózata
- How natural is our environment? Milyen természetes a környezetünk?
- Traces of Life Action Életjelek Akció – Közös munka a fotómegosztástól a helyi Natura 2000-ig
- Wilderness Watch Programme in Hungary Vadonleső Program Magyarországon
It all starts in the classroom.
So far, only a minimum of Slovak schools - teachers, students, parents - have discovered the view from the highest rungs of the „participatory ladder“, but the discovery of freedom and the power of their own abilities is highly inspiring for many other schools.
- Participative Environmental Education in Slovakia Participatívna environmentálna výchova na Slovensku
- School Climate Gardens as a natural part of climate education
- Hooray for the Outdoors - Promoting Outdoor Learning Hurá von – podpora učenia vonku
- Roots & Shoots International Education Programme Medzinárodný vzdelávací program Roots & Shoots
- Manual 21 Helps Educate Civic-minded Young People Manuál 21 pomáha vychovávať občiansky rozhľadených mladých ľudí